Saturday, January 24, 2009

Froyo Beginnings-It's A Beautiful Thing!!!

Jeepers! Wow, I can't express enough how excited I am to finally start this blog. It has been one of those things that has been living in the back of my brain for like, a year, yet I never really had the time. Well, my name is Kathryn, and as you have probably inferred from the title, this is a blog devoted to anything and everything froyo. I honestly can't even recall when my froyo affair began-it's kind of like an old friend that you slowly start to love and then one day BAM you're in love. About as much as I know for sure is that my obsession really bloomed at Studio Frozen Yogurt (more to come concerning that later...). Anyway, my dreams for this blog are pretty simple. I'm going to visit and review as many froyo joints as I possibly can, complete with pictures, to create a sort of 'froyo bank' for myself and other addicts. I will also post any info on events and exciting news in the froyo world. Basically any tidbits I find having to do with froyo will end up on this blog. So, welcome to my blog, and please please please leave me comments or shoot me an e-mail if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns-I welcome it all! I promise I will update the blog every few days to keep you guys coming back for more. Ok, that's about it folks-I'm gonna go get me some celebratory froyo!!! <3 Kat <3 


  1. Kathryn,

    I'm excited to see your FRO-YO blog! Can't wait to read more and see your fro-yo pics.


    Lolia (fro-yo girl)

  2. I'm excited for your blog! I live in L.A. and eat froyo almost daily!
